January 31-February 1, 2025

Key Leader Intensive January 31st from 12:30-5:00
Training Ground February 1st from 9:00-4:00
Location: Pine Knolls Alliance Church - 614 Gansevoort Road, South Glens Falls, NY 12803

Registration Opens Soon

Keynote Sessions

Training Ground is a one-day event designed with both ministry volunteers and key leaders in mind. Training Ground is a space where national caliber speakers encourage and equip us to meet the current disciplemaking challenges. Whether you are a pastor, key leader, ministry volunteer, parent, or someone wanting to go deeper in the discipleship journey, you will find a space to connect, be encouraged, and be challenged when you fully engage in this equipping opportunity. With breakouts for all age levels, you will benefit when you come as a team.

Building a Disciple-Making Culture

Disciple Definition and Culture

What is Jesus’s definition of a “disciple”? What does making disciples look like in your church? Do the people in your church know what your definition is and how you hope to make disciples together? In this first part of a three-part track, Jeff Vanderstelt will offer hands-on help as you consider your church’s definition of a disciple in light of the scriptures and your effectiveness in leading people toward that definition.

Disciple-Making Pathway

Do you know how to train people to lead others to go from spiritually dead to spiritually alive? Then, once they do, do they know how to help them grow up from spiritual infants to children in the faith who mature into spiritual young adults who are able to lead others in the same way? Do you have a clear disciple-making pathway that effectively accomplishes this in a way that the people you lead know and can reproduce with others? During this second part, Jeff Vanderstelt will provide a framework for designing a disciple-making pathway that you will be able to use to build or improve a pathway in your own context.

Healthy Leaders

The culture we develop is the result of the kind of leaders we are becoming. Character forms culture. If we want to have healthy, reproducing disciples, we need to become emotionally and spiritual healthy leaders. Do you know how to attend to your own soul and create environments that foster health around you. In this third part, Jeff Vanderstelt will show how our feelings have been giving to us by God to help us become aware of our needs and desires, leading us to relationally move toward God and others in healthy ways for the care of our own souls.

Training Ground Sessions

Gospel in Me

The Gospel really is good news about God’s power to save. Sadly, far too many of us have a truncated view of the gospel that we believe is only applicable for the beginning part of our new life with Jesus. This reduction has led us to start our new life with the Gospel and then move on to self-effort and endless striving, leaving many followers of Jesus overwhelmed and burned out on empty religion. The good news about Jesus is not just the ABCs of Christianity but the A to Z. The Gospel is good news for your past, present and future. During this session you will be inspired and encouraged to see how the Gospel is the power of God for every part of your life.

Gospel to Others

As we become more and more convinced of the good news of the Gospel for ourselves, we also grow in our confidence that it is good news for everyone else. As we do, we need to learn to listen well to other’s heart so we can speak the truths of Jesus to people’s real needs, desires and longings in a way that sounds like good news to them. In this session we will consider how you can become more effective at sharing the good news of Jesus to the people around you.

Keynote Speaker

Jeff VandersteltJeff Vanderstelt

“As the Executive Director of Saturate and founding leader of the Soma Family of Churches, Jeff Vanderstelt gets to spend his days doing what he loves – mentoring leaders and equipping the Church in the gospel and missional living. Additionally, Jeff is on the leadership team of Saturate the Sound, a local church collective focused on gospel saturation in the Puget Sound. Jeff has authored Saturate, Gospel Fluency, and Making Space. He and Jayne, his wife, have three children; Haylee, Caleb, and Maggie. Connect with Jeff on twitter and instagram @JeffVanderstelt.


9:00 AM     Keynote Session #1
10:30 AM   Break
11:00 AM   Breakout 1
12:15 PM   Lunch
1:15 PM     Breakout 2
2:45 PM     Keynote Session #2
4:00 PM     Dismiss

Pine Knolls Alliance Church
614 Gansevoort Road
South Glens Falls, NY 12803